Call for Fast Abstracts


A Fast Abstract (FA) paper is a two-page, lightly reviewed technical article. The FA track at ISSRE 2024 aims to bring together researchers and practitioners working in Software Reliability Engineering (SRE) to:

Accepted contributions will be published in the Supplemental Proceedings of ISSRE 2024, and made available via IEEE Xplore.

Topics of Interest

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:


Authors of accepted FA papers will be expected to present their work in a Fast Abstracts session at ISSRE 2024.

New this year: Authors of each accepted paper are required to prepare a poster, which will be exhibited during the conference. The size of the poster board will be announced later.

Detailed instructions for the poster preparations and presentations will follow.

Important Dates

Submission Guidelines

Manuscripts must be:

Manuscripts must adhere to IEEE Conference Publishing Policies <Submission Policies - IEEE Author Center Conferences>. Particularly, they should NOT have been previously published or be under submission elsewhere. All submissions will be screened for plagiarized material through the IEEE Cross Check portal.



PC Members


Please contact the Fast Abstract Co-chairs ( for any questions or further clarifications.